Posts Tagged ‘crossing borders’

pecha kucha Maastricht

By designmetropoleaachen | SPEECHES, WORKSHOPS

The DESIGNMETROPOLE AACHEN story, so far. [brightcove vid=17418049001&exp3=3604881001&surl=] Patricia Yasmine Graf about DESIGNMETROPOLE AACHEN

pecha kucha Maastricht

By designmetropoleaachen | SPEECHES, WORKSHOPS

[brightcove vid=17425903001&exp3=3604881001&surl=] Jürgen Reichert about

euregio design platform EPSD

euregio design platform EPSD

By designmetropoleaachen | WORKSHOPS

DESIGNMETROPOLE AACHEN interact with Euregio Platform for Sustainable Design and Living (EPSD) Sustainability means for [&hellip