Archive for the ‘WORKSHOPS’ Category
Designmonat Graz – REVOLUTION
By patricia | Network, PERFORMANCES, SPEECHES, WORKSHOPS#revolution – designmetropole aachen zu Gast in Graz Der Designmonat Graz wirft 2023 einen Blick [&hellip
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Network, PARTY, WORKSHOPSWhat opportunities are laying in the Euregio? Which galleries, artistic residency, design initiatives, institutions, museums, [&hellip
LuForm – Design Department UPDATE no. 4
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Network, PARTY, Projects, SHOWS, WORKSHOPSLuForm geht in die nächste Runde! Seit dem Start im März diesen Jahres hat sich das [&hellip
Ludwig Forum gets a Design Department: LuForm
By fabian | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Network, PARTY, PRESS, Projects, SHOWS, WORKSHOPSLuForm. Design Department ab dem 10.03.17 Eröffnung / Opening 09.03.17, ab 19 Uhr Im Anschluss [&hellip
Professionalisation Workshop Series for Young Designers
By fabian | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Network, Projects, SPEECHES, WORKSHOPSCHE* creative hub euregio
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Network, Uncategorized, WORKSHOPSIn February 2015, a discussion held in Eupen and organized by officials from various governments [&hellip
designmetropole. aachen. show #6.
By fabian | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, SHOWS, WORKSHOPS1* design Barbara Brouwers BUTTERFLY FACTORY Danyi Didier Gehlen DV Jewellery JOELLE BOERS STUDIO laufrichtung [&hellip
HELLO DESIGNER TOUR is taking off!
By fabian | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Projects, WORKSHOPSwhaaat? a de-central design festival. in our euregio. made by all of us. by accessories-, [&hellip
Common Knowledge #25: the holy connection – a church is a church is a church
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, WORKSHOPSJoin Common Knowledge in Aachen! wednesday 24th of February 2016 start: 7:30 pm location: HOTEL [&hellip
RECIPROCITY goes RECIPROCITIES 01.10. – 01.11. 2015
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Projects, WORKSHOPSRECIPROCITY design Liege is an initiative of the Province of Liege and the Provincial [&hellip
common knowledge maastricht visits designmetropole aachen
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, Projects, WORKSHOPSCommon Knowledge #16: BUSINESS TIES AACHEN. we support each other by sharing knowledge. become part of the [&hellip
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, SHOWS, WORKSHOPSFashion Across Borders vzw (FAB), eine Initiative des Modemuseums Hasselt, FASHIONCLASH Maastricht und der Designmetropole [&hellip
Pecha Kucha #3 – pictures online!!
By patricia | EUTROPOLIS .. EUREGIO, PERFORMANCES, WORKSHOPSThe 3rd Edition of PECHA KUCHA Maastricht visits Aachen was a great success! A cooperation [&hellip
By patricia | PERFORMANCES, Projects, WORKSHOPSFettes künstlerisches Beiteiligungprojekt in AC NORD – designmetropole aachen baut mit. Los geht’s am Sonntag 21.07.2013 [&hellip
Eine Nacht im Museum
By patricia | PERFORMANCES, WORKSHOPSworkshop im netzwerken. 6 designmetropolisten spinnen eine nacht im KUK Monschau. vorbereitend auf unsere fette vernetzungsperformance [&hellip
By fabian | WORKSHOPSAm Donnerstag 5.7.2012 findet das nächste DESIGNERSAUFEN statt. Wie immer, ab 20:00h in der Raststätte, [&hellip
WIR SIND OBEN. Demonstrieren für AC Nord!
By patricia | WORKSHOPSFoto by Andreas Schmitter Artikel in der AN, mehr lesen… Artikel in der AZ, mehr [&hellip
designmetropole aachen als Ideengeber für AC NORD
By patricia | PRESS, WORKSHOPSFabian Kumka, Norbert Kuntz, Patricia Yasmine Graf, Wolfgang Flachs, Fabian Seibert, Brigitte Franzen, Maria Van [&hellip
„Das ist Krebs“ Ein Kinderbuch von Esther Tulodetzki.
By designmetropoleaachen | PRESS, WORKSHOPS We are proud of our proud member Esther! Lesung am 6. März 2012, 19:30 [&hellip
By designmetropoleaachen | SHOWS, WORKSHOPSAachenOst lädt ein zur Schaufensterschau! Das Ostviertel verfügt mit der Elsassstraße und dem Adalbertsteinweg über [&hellip