Common Knowledge #25: the holy connection – a church is a church is a church


Join Common Knowledge in Aachen!

wednesday 24th of February 2016
start: 7:30 pm
location: HOTEL TOTAL, Jülicherstrasse 72a, 52070 Aachen

Common Knowledge in Aachen is the perfect chance for sharing your dreams, projects and ideas to an interdisciplinary group experts.
Who will be there for you? To name few of them…

InterAlter: interior architects who won the Hospitality and Style award 2015 for their interior at Kaboom Hotel. Innovative way of working which merges several disciplines at the same time!

Benjamin Fleig: artists and curator from Galerie vorn und oben, with an extensive network in all Germany and a lot of knowledge to share.

Strictua: their video creations are just amazing. Marijn & Miquel are a great example of how passion, commitment and a proactive attitude can develop in something special and unique like their company!

Schauer Fotografie: I AM DIFFERENT ambassador of Nikon, a great example that the best way to be realised is to follow your talent. „The thing I am very proud of is that I decided to follow my passion and gave up a stable and safe career. Of course is has been really scary to do this (and still is every now and then) but I feel like I can finally just be me.[…]“

Geurlab: What’s the scent of your brand? After working in different industries Geurlab specialised in scent, and personalising brands through senses.

Kreativbureau: A team of different professionals with HQ in Eupen. Their expertise range from Project development to communication strategy to event design & more!

Several other experts will be in the audience undercover… your task to connect and share knowledge with them…

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In cooperation with designmetropole aachen & HOTEL TOTAL


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